Date: November 9, 2022
Under the Project “Improving Fiscal Transparency in Tajikistan – Phase II”, funded by United States Embassy in Tajikistan and implemented by Financial Services Volunteers Corps
Proposals for Program to Prepare and Publish an EITI Report for the Republic of Tajikistan for 2019, 2020 and 2021 Fiscal Years
Deadline for the Submission of Proposals: 18:00 Dushanbe time, GMT + 5, November 25, 2022
Proposals shall be submitted by e-mail to
Email submissions must include the following subject line: “Proposal – FSVC Tajikistan EITI”
Proposals should be in line with the requirements outlined in the Terms of Reference (ToR) provided in annex/link to this request for proposals.
ToR in English are available here.
ToR in Russian are available here.
Method of Submission
Proposals must be submitted as follows:
- Subject title: “Proposal – FSVC Tajikistan EITI”
- File format: PDF
- File names must adhere to the following format: “[Applicant Name] – FSVC Tajikistan EITI – [Submission Date]”
- All files must be free of viruses and not corrupted.
- File Size per transmission: 10 MB
- Multiple emails must be clearly identified by indicating in the subject line “Email no. X of Y”, and the final “Email no. Y of Y”
- FSVC strongly recommends that the entire Proposal, including Annexes, be consolidated into as few attachments as possible.
Applications must be submitted to by no later than 18:00 Dushanbe time on November 25, 2022. Applicants will receive an email acknowledging receipt of proposal.
Conflict of Interest
U.S. Embassy in Tajikistan and FSVC require every prospective applicant to avoid and prevent conflicts of interest, by disclosing to FSVC if you, or any of your affiliates or personnel, were involved in the preparation of the requirements, design, specifications, cost estimates, and other information used in this Request for Proposals (RfP). Applicants shall strictly avoid conflicts with other assignments or their own interests, and act without consideration for future work. Applicants found to have a conflict of interest will be disqualified.
Applicants must disclose in their proposal their knowledge of the following: a) If the owners, part‐owners, officers, directors, controlling shareholders, of the bidding entity or key personnel who are family members of FSVC staff involved in the procurement functions and/or the Government of the country or any Implementing Partner receiving goods and/or services under this RfP.
The eligibility of applicants that are wholly or partly owned by the Government shall be subject to U.S. Embassy and FSVC panel’s further evaluation and review of various factors such as being registered, operated and managed as an independent business entity, the extent of Government ownership/share, receipt of subsidies, mandate and access to information in relation to this RfP, among others. Conditions that may lead to undue advantage against other applicants may result in the eventual rejection of the Proposal.
Currency of Quotation
All prices should be listed United States Dollars (USD) and be inclusive of tax.
Application Contents
All proposals materials should be submitted in English. Applications must include the following:
- Cover Page (1 page)
- Table of Contents (1 page)
- List of Acronyms (1 page)
- Technical and Financial Offer duly completed and signed. The Technical and Financial Offer shall not exceed 5 pages, and must include the following sections:
- Detailed work plan and timeline for implementation and delivery; and
- List of working personnel, including roles and responsibilities.
The following documents must be included in Annex. Each Annex must be numbered in the following format: Annex X of Y. Applicants are strongly encouraged to combine the full application, including annexes, into one PDF document.
- Documents of registration or re‐registration of the company
- Valid License for applicable type of work;
- Reference from Bank certifying availability of Applicant’s bank account and certifying that applicant is debt free;
- Reference form Tax department certifying not indebtedness of bidding company form Tax department (issued not earlier than November 1, 2022);
- Statement of satisfactory performance (Certificates and/or Recommendation Letters) from two clients; and
- Copy of one relevant project implemented over the past 5 years, for similar work.
Quotation Validity Period
Quotations shall remain valid for 60 days from the deadline for submission of proposals dated November 25, 2022.
Price Variation
No price variation due to escalation, inflation, fluctuation in exchange rates, or any other market factors shall be accepted at any time during the validity of the quotation after the quotation has been received.
Partial Quotes
Not permitted
Alternative Quotes
Not permitted
Questions and Clarifications
Questions and/or requests for clarifications from potential applicants must be submitted to by no later than November 15, 2022. FSVC will send responses within three business days of reception.
Evaluation criteria
The Review Panel will score each of the proposals for a maximum total score of 100 points based on how completely the Proposal addresses the points described in the criteria below:
- Compliance with all RfP requirements, including submission of all required documents in English and provision of prices in USD [25 points]
- Proposal feasibility, practicability and sustainability [20 points]
- Cost competitiveness [25 points]
- Reasonable and realistic timeline for program implementation in line with the attached ToR [20 points]
- Applicant’s track record and experience conducting similar work [10 points]
Right not to Accept Any Quotation
U.S. Embassy reserves the right to fund any or none of the applications submitted.
Right to Vary Requirement at Time of Award
At the time of award of Contract, FSVC reserves the right to vary (increase or decrease) the quantity of services, without any change in the unit price or other terms and conditions.